A successful benefits program is rooted in MUTUAL RESPECT, with your business and your employees sharing the advantages and responsibilities of participation. HUB International stands ready to support everyone involved, consistent with the culture of respect that we have created inside and outside our agency.
Certain employee benefits have been required for years, others are recent additions, and more are being phased in. To complicate matters, what’s required varies with the number of people you employ (actually with your “Full-Time Equivalent” of employees). Other employee perks, while not required, may be vitally important for businesses competing to attract and retain the most talented workers. Still other options may be important for some employees but irrelevant for others.
HUB is uniquely qualified to guide your business within this complex sphere so you have options that you need to provide, those you want to provide, and ones you to want make available for employees at their own expense.
Please fill out the form below if you are in need of an insurance quote. A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.